2009 Core Curriculum


*注意: 12月16日、12月17日上課教室改為617研討室



Real Analysis (高等實分析 I, II) Unit of Credit: 3 (學分:3)

Instructors: 劉豐哲 (Fall 2011-Spring 2012)

Course Description:

This course aims to cover extensions of Lebesgue Theory in contemporary analysis and probability. The axiomatic method of exposition is chosen. The course is a graduate level course. It requires regular participation, the completion of homework and the mid-term/final exams.

Part 1: Introduction

Summability of system of real numbers, Convolution of sequences and random walks
Modeling of independent coin tossing, A quick introdution to measure and integration

Part 2: Outer measures
Measures arising from outer measures, Regularity of outer measures,
1-dimensional Lebesgue measure, Caratheodory outer measures, Hausdorff measures-length measure and surface measure,
n-dimensional Lebesgue measure and transformation of integrals

Part 3: L2-spaces
Completeness of L2-spaces, Orthonormal systems-completeness and Fourier expansion,
Best approximation, Orthonormalization-Legendre, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials,
Conditional expectation, Fourier-transform-Poisson summation formula and central limit theorem

Part 4: Elements of Functional Analysis
Metric spaces-completeness and compactness, Normed vector spaces,
Linear functionals, The Baire category theorem and its consequences,
Strong and weak convergences, Hilbert spaces

Part 5: Decomposition and Differentiation of Measures
Signed measures, The Lebesgue-Randon-Nikodym theorem, Conditional expectation,
Differentiation on Rn, Functions of bounded variation, Convex functions

Part 6: Lp-spaces and Sobolev spaces
Dual of Lp, Distribution functions and interpolation of Lp-spaces,
Distributions and Sobolev spaces, Variational methods in mathematical physics,

Part 7: Some Miscellaneous Topics
Topics in Fourier analysis, probability theory and calculus of variations,

Lecture notes:

[1] L.C. Evans and R.F. Gariepy, Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions, CRC.
[2] G.B. Folland, Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications, Measure Theory, Wiley-Interscience
[3] F.C. Liu, Lecture notes
[4] P. Malliavin, Integration and Probability, GTM 157 Springer




Algebra (高等代數 I, II) Unit of Credit: 3 (學分:3)

Instructors: 林正洪 (Fall 2011 - Spring 2012)

Course Description:

Part 1: Set and Group Theory
Zorn's lemma, cardinality, basic group theory, group action, Sylow's
theorem, abelian groups, symmetric groups, nilpotent and solvable groups.

t 2: Field Theory
Field extensions, separable extensions, splitting field,
Galois theory, finite fields, cyclotomic and cyclic extensions,
construction of Galois extensions.

3: Non-commutative Ring Theory
Simple rings and algebras, Schur's lemma,
density theorem, Artin-Wedderburn theorem, Jacobson's radical,
semi-simple rings and algebras, Noether-Skolem theorem.

Part 4: Group Representation Theory
Representations, characters, group algebras, orthogonality relations,
induced representations, Frobenius reciprocity, Burnside's theorem.
representations of symmetric groups, Young diagrams, Specht modules.

Part 5: Central Simple Algebra
Noetherian rings and modules, Hilbert basis theorem, Hilbert Nullstellensatz,
Integral extensions, Noether normalization theorem.

6: Commutative Algebra
Noetherian rings and modules, Hilbert basis theorem, Hilbert Nullstellensatz,
Integral extensions, Noether normalization theorem.

[1] Hungerford: Algebra. GTM 73.
[2] Sagan: The Symmetric Group. GTM 203.
[3] Atiyah and MacDonald: Introduction to Commutative Algebra
[4] R. Pierce, Assocaited Algebras, GTM 88

Prerequisite: one year undergraduate algebra


Real Analysis
TA Session
TA Session
20:00 - 21:00
16:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 12:00
13:30 - 15:30
9:00 - 10:00
15:30 - 17:30
Location 6th Floor, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei

補助資訊 Subsidy Information :
1. 住宿: 統一由中研院數學所代訂,自行安排住宿者無法補助( 請於100年9月23日前提出申請)
2. 車票費補助: 檢據(票根)核實列支(金額上限比照火車自強號車種價格,補助地區為新竹以南)
3. 6月及12月攜帶申請表格、發票及票根辦理請款。(無票根或遺失者不予補助)

開立發票注意事項 :
1. 發票抬頭: 財團法人慈澤文教基金會
2. 收銀機統一發票,則免抬頭,應輸入機關統一編號:14300339
3. 統一發票,僅有貨品代號者,應由經手人加註貨品名稱、數量、單價並簽名。

主持單位:中央研究院數學研究所    贊助單位:慈澤教育基金會 中央研究院數學研究所

聯絡人:林宛嫻 TEL:(02)2368-5999-341 FAX:(02)2368-9771 Email:felicia@math.sinica.edu.tw


*The disccusion during the courses will mainly be held in Mandrian.